San ábhar” Eolaíocht”, bhí Rang a 1 ag fiosrú “solad agus leacht”. Mar chuid don fhoghlaim rinne Rang a 1 bunóga ar scoil. D’fhoghlaim siad gur leánn solad cosúil le seacláid nuair a chuirtear teas leis, agus nuair a leánn siad go gcasann sé go leacht. Bhíomar ábalta an seacláid a mheascadh leis na Rice Krispies ansin. Chuireamar isteach i gcás bunóga iad agus chuireamar isteach sa chuisneoir iad le fuarú. Nuair a déanadh solad arís dóibh, d’itheamar iad!!!
During the month of October we have been working very hard and we are having lots of fun learning together. As part of our Science topic “Solids and Liquids” we made Rice Krispie buns. We discovered that heating a solid such as chocolate makes it melt. When it melts it changes into a liquid. We were able to pour the melted chocolate over the Rice Krispies and mix them together. We put them into bun cases, and decorated them. We then placed them in the fridge to cool. Once they had become solids again we ate them!