An Chéad Tréimhse i Rang a 3


Bhí Rang a 3 an ghnóthach sa chéad tréimshe ar scoil. Chomh maith le hobair scoile, bhíomar ag cócaireacht, ag obair ar ár bhfear bréige, ag baint taitnimh as cluichí mata is an-chuid rudaí eile. D'úsáideamar Numicon chun tús a cur leis an meadú sa mhata. Bhaineamar an-taitneamh as patrún a fheiscint sa mhéadú. Roimh an bhriseadh bhíomar ag maisiú úlla seacláide d'Oíche Shamhna!

Rang a trí were very busy during the first term. As well as being busy with schoolwork, we were baking, working on our scarecrow, enjoying maths games, science experiments and many more hands-on activities. We used Numicon to explore multiplication and the different groups and factors of numbers. We enjoyed making our own sums and different patterns. We also designed some chocolate apples, we thoroughly enjoyed designing and eating them!