Chaith Rang a 1 seachtain iomlán ag foghlaim faoi na cruthanna 2T. D’fhoghlaimíomar faoin gcearnóg, triantán, ciorcal, dronuilleog agus an leathchiorcail. Dhéanamar an-chuid gníomhachtaí taitneamhacha. Thógamar na cruthanna 2T ag usáid ábhair difriúla inár dtimpeallacht. Chuamar ar thóir na cruthanna timpeall na scoile chomh maith. I ndeireadh, dhéanamar pictúirí álainn leis na cruthanna 2D atá crochtadh inár seomra ranga faoi láthair.
First Class have recently completed a weeks work on 2D shapes! We learned all about the square, rectangle, triangle, circle and semicircle. Did you know that a 2D shape is always flat!! We did so many fun activities that helped us to become shape superheros! We examined each shape and counted the number of sides and corners. We constructed the 2D shapes using blocks, straws, lego and our bodies. We also went on a shape hunt. We created lovely pictures that are now on display in our classroom.